
Happy new year, fans!

DUBLIN - DECEMBER 5: Musician Sir Cliff Richar...Image by Getty Images via DaylifeWe're back after a nice Christmas and we hope you had a good one, too! There really isn't much on the news side right now but it has been a truly amazing year for Cliff and all us fans.

If you're not on Facebook, well you should be cos you will find lots and lots of Cliff fans there and groups to join to share videos, pics and more. I am even friends with a couple of Cliff impersonators - you can't know too many of those!!
So get on Facebook and we'll see you there for sure.

Have a wonderful new year and we hope 2009 will be as great as the last year.

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Lidt mere fra TV2 Gossip

Så er der lidt om Cliffs genforening med The Shadows på TV2 Gossip. Og et FLOT billede af Cliff !

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Merry Christmas and happy new year

Adoration of the Magi by Don Lorenzo Monaco (1...Image via Wikipedia


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Lidt nyt fra TV2 Gossip

"Cliff planlægger sin begravelse". Hmmm..

Læs artiklen her.

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Cliff & The Shadows at the Royal Variety Performance 2008

This truly gives me goose bumps. Cliff and The Shadows together again on stage - wow what a treat! And they've still got it - Hank Marvin is no doubt the world's best guitar player.

Here's their performance:

Cliff & The Shadows - '2008 Royal VP'

Enjoy - I sure did.

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Giving up on ever seeing Cliff in his undies..

Hi everybody!

Time for some more Cliff Richard news from around the web.

This first piece of news is kind of weird I think. It's the first I have heard of it and part of me can't believe that it was true in the 1st place. Anyway, apparently Cliff had originally said yes to be on the show Celebrity Big Brother if they could promise him that he would have his own bathroom without cameras! And the producers promised set up a bathroom outside the house for him but when they found out this wasn't possible, Cliff declined to take part in the show. Which means that you and I will never get to see him in his underpants. Whether this is good news or bad, we shall never know! Why would he say yes to something like that in the first place? It is a truly awful show, I think.

If you want to read the article, follow this link.

The next article is a little bit about Cliff's thoughts about growing older and keeping fit . This article is here .

The next one is something about the subject I don't know if you heard about . For a while Cliff has been fighting with some other artists about the copyright law and the possibility of earning royalties until the end of their lifetimes . The government rejected this idea back in 2006 but it has now made somewhat of a U-turn so that artists can now earn royalties for 95 years! This is a big victory for Cliff who would otherwise lose earnings from the songs he made in the 50s. You can read the article here.

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Would you like to be our Cliff guest blogger?

DUBLIN - DECEMBER 5: Musician Sir Cliff Richar...Image by Getty Images via DaylifeHi Cliff-fans!

We're looking for a Cliff guest blogger who will sit down once a week to post an article/entry related to Cliff!

You can write about anything you like, perhaps your favorite Cliff song, have you ever met Cliff, if you did meet him what would you ask him, how many cd's do you have, what's your favorite concert memory a.s.o.

If you're interested, pls. leave a comment here on the blog and we'll get back to you.

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Don't spend it all at once!

Cliff doing his Christmas shopping with his sisters:

Cliff Richard | Christmas Shopping | HQ |

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No power in pity

Cliff sings "No power in pity":

No Power In Pity - Cliff Richard

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Lovely Cliff in lycra

I don't know who did the choreography for this particular song at this particular place but it's absolutely horrific, especially the Irish dance popping up now and then. What were they thinking??

Anyway, there's nothing better on a December morning than watching Cliff Richard wiggling around in a pair of very tight lycra shorts.

So here it is, let's keep warm folks!


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Just a pic


Additional dates for Cliff and The Shads tour

Additional Cliff and The Shadows shows have been announced for London, Birmingham, Cardiff, Glasgow, Manchester and Sheffield, plus a return to London (Wembley Arena) at the end of the tour.

People are literally flooding to these concerts (or at least to the ticket offices) because Cliff Richard and The Shadows are a part of our history, our collected memories and we can all remember being certain places at certain times and go "Oh yeah, that's when they played this and that song"..

If you wanna try your luck at booking a ticket, please visit Cliff's official site and click on the Exclusive page.

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Cliff, Bruce and Hank together again

Yay! What a warm fuzzy feeling I get when I see Sir Cliff back with Bruce Welch and Hank Marvin. Three "old" buddies coming together to tour and celebrate their 50th anniversary.

Oh Lord, please let me go to one of those concerts. Have mercy.

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You have been golden

Cliff has made a thank you song for his fans to thank them (well, us) for the support throughout the years.

Here's a clip where he talks about it:

Just a silly still image from the video clip. BARF...LOL.

And here is the song for all of us:

Wow. This definately brings tears to my eyes.

Cliff at Songs of Praise

Here's a Songs of Praise Special about Cliff:

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Some articles for you

Cliff Richard at work!Image by picturepusher via FlickrHey fans! Here are some articles and photos of Sir Cliff:

Photo call promotion celebrating his 50th anniversary.

Cliff Richard: I'm a sexual enigma.

Sir Cliff Richard vows never to reveal his sexuality.

Sir Cliff shrugs off gay rumours.

Sir Cliff Richard still going strong (with video clip).


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Til de danske Cliff-fans/Ud & Se

I denne måned Ud & Se (DSB's månedsblad) er der en helsides annonce om Cliffs nye bog "Mit liv" - der er fine billeder fra bogen :-)

Bladet er gratis og kan hentes på alle DSBs stationer.


Cliff's Time Machine Tour looks awesome, can't wait for the DVD!!

Hep! Some more videos from Cliff's Time Machine Tour:

Mobile Alabama School Leaving Hullabaloo is truly FANTASTIC and check out those dance moves!

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Videos from Cliff's Time Machine concerts

Thank God for Youtube for those of us who haven't been able to see Cliff live on his Time Machine tour yet!

Here are some videos from the concerts:

What a COOL outfit he has on!


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Name 5 of your favorite Cliff Christmas tunes

18-12-05Image by DG Jones via Flickr

Ladies and gentlemen, please name 5 of your favorite Cliff Christmas songs

Here's mine:

Let it snow

Mary's Boy Child

When a child is born

Christmas never comes



I think that for a lot of people, even the two non-Cliff fans out there (we know who you are), Cliff equals Christmas. We can all remember listening to Mistletoe and Wine on the radio in December and recently the FABULOUS Cliff at Christmas album (my personal favorite).

Of course a lot of stars record Christmas albums and it allows us to see a different side of them - right now an Elvis Presley Christmas duets album is out - and if we're Christian, Jewish or Muslim, there's a certain atmosphere and basic belief in the good around Christmas we can join in and believe in, I think.

Here's a Christmas Cliff song for you:

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Let it snow!

It's time for a Christmas song, folks!

Cliff Richard - Let it snow

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Too sexy..LOL

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Merry Christmas

We have a new design and we're still working on getting the links back - that's the bad thing about changing layouts now and then, you lose your links :-(


Anyway, we hope you will enjoy this new colorful look and the naughty teaser on the top right..

Now we enter December and Christmas is sort of the Cliff season, I guess. We want to wish all of our readers a merry Christmas.

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Bestil billetter til Cliff & The Shadows

Man kan bestille billetter til koncerterne med Cliff og The Shadows online på denne side:


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Shirt off, shirt on, shirt off, shirt on..

The man is a tease.

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Let's fall in love

Let's fall in love !

Cliff Richard: Let's Fall In Love RAH 2001 Off The Record

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Bloggen vil rode lidt i aften, fordi vi skifter design og pynter til jul :-)

The blog will be messy tonight cos we are changing design and decorating for Christmas.

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Young and old show loyalty to Cliff

Her er et review af een af Cliffs jubilæumskoncerter.

Og lidt sjovt nyt - billetter til Cliff og The Shadows-koncerterne næste år er vistnok først officielt til salg pr. 30. november 2008 (selvom jeg har hørt rygter om, at nogle har købt billetter), men allerede nu står folk ihvertfald i kø. Der dukker små telt-byer op udenfor salgs-stederne, som nu har måttet forbyde telte og soveposer pga. sikkerhed. Fans'ene kalder det fjollet og vil have lov til at campere for at få billetter. De siger, de er voksne mennesker og godt må sove ude om natten. Hæhæ.

Koncert-stederne er Nottingham, Birmingham, Cardiff, Liverpool, Glasgow, Newcastle, Sheffield og Manchester.

Og den eneste, der har grund til at smile lige nu er Cliff & The Shadows. Der skal såmænd nok blive udsolgt, tror I ikke???????

Cliff & The Shadows Farewell Tour

For første gang i 20 år skal Cliff og The Shadows på turné sammen igen fra september til oktober 2009 i en række engelske byer. Det bliver desværre også den allersidste turné :-( Den kommer til at bestå af i alt 11 koncerter.

Her er en række artikler om emnet:

Cliff Richard's Shadows plan send-off stadium tour

U.K.'s Cliff Richard, Shadows to Reunite for Tour, BBC Says

Cliff Richard teams up with The Shadows for farewell tour

Reklame for Cliffs nye dvd

Her er et lille reklamespot for Cliffs nye Time Machine dvd:



Så skyder vi julen igang sammen med Cliff !

Julen nærmer sig hastigt, og Cliff = jul, gudskelov!

Cliff Richard - Silent Night

Cliff Richard - White Christmas ☆彡

Cliff Richard - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas

Cliff Richard - 21st Century Christmas

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Billetter til Cliff & Shadows sidste turné kan allerede købes nu/Tickets for Cliff & The shads for sale now!

Så er Time Machine-turnéen i gang, og ifølge diverse rygter kan jeg forstå, at det er noget af det bedste, Cliff nogensinde har lavet. Det lover jo godt! Jeg er een af de få fjolser, der ikke kan komme af sted, så jeg må nøjes med videoklip :-(

Her er nogle:


Andre rygter siger, at man allerede nu kan købe billetter til koncerten med The Shadows.
Rumours are you can now buy tickets for Cliff & The Shads last concert together.

  Koncerten bliver i september 2009. Her er info:
The concert will be in Seotember 2009, here is the info:

Newmarket Travel: Hot line number is 0845 226 7745

Lad mig sige, at jeg hører rygter om det, men det er da et forsøg værd. Jeg er veninder med en dame på Facebook, som siger, at hun har købt billetter på det nummer.

Det var alt for nu!

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Cliff Richard skal fejres på TV - skriv under og støt sagen!

Helle har fået en god idé !

Cliff Richard holder lige nu 50 års jubilæum og fejrer det med en række koncerter i England.

   Det er en flot bedrift, og vi har bemærket, at de danske medier lader det gå næsten ubemærket hen, pånær et lille 7 minutters interview på morgen-tv (og ikke engang med manden selv). Vi mener, Cliff Richard fortjener MERE efter sådan en fantastisk indsats, så vi samler underskrifter ind for at få DR/TV2 til at vise en koncert eller lignende i anledning af jubilæet.

Cliff var den første, der skabte massehysteri på den europæiske popscene (det var  ikke The Beatles, som mange fejlagtigt tror). Han var den første, der bragte rock'n'roll til Europa. Han har formået at følge med tiden og forny sig, og lige nu turnerer han for fulde huse i England, inden han kommer til Danmark i 2010. Der er osse planer om en allersidste turné sammen med The Shadows. Det glæder vi os meget til.

Vi synes, det er en skam, at Cliffs 50 års jubilæum ikke bliver markeret i de danske medier. Derfor har vi nu startet en underskriftindsamling, så vi kan få DR/TV2 til at vise en koncert for alle de mange danske fans. Cliff har været her mange gange, og han har en kæmpemæssig fanskare i Danmark, så vi beder Jer inderligt om at skrive under - osse selvom I ikke er fans. Gør det for alle dem, der kan li' ham og synes, han skal fejres!

SKRIV UNDER HER OG STØT CLIFF: http://onlineunderskrift.dk/Vis/Skriv%20Under/CLIFFSKALFEJRES

Venlig hilsen Helle og Gitte, http://hellegitte-sircliff.blogspot.com

PS. I er desuden velkomne til at kopiere og indsætte dette indlæg på Facebook og diverse weblogs, så vi får beskeden ud til så mange som muligt.

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Nice song from Finders Keepers:



Ok somebody on Youtube is turning Sir Cliff into a porn star! LOL. What the **** ????


I agree, it does sound nice..but still, isn't that a kind of rape? LOLOL

Something's definately going on



New feature

A new feature here on our Cliff blog: If you are a reader who returns frequently, pls be so kind to go to the "Faste læsere" and click to show the world that you are a reader.

Thank you!


Here Cliff sings the song "Reunited" with Lulu.

Cool video!

The 50th anniversary concerts are drawing closer (nervous yet, Cliff?) - and I am so jealous of everyone who is going! Gggrrrrrr I wanna come too!

Seems I have to wait until 2010 when Cliff hits Europe once more.

I'll have to make do with videos.. :-(


Cliff makes onion gravy

And he is absolutely welcome in my kitchen.

Cliff Richard Makes Onion Gravy



I don't know about you but where I am sitting, it is freezing cold right now. It's November 1st and the streets are white with frost. I guess that makes it okay to start being Christmassy??


It's all in the game

It's such a beautiful love song and the outfit is SHARP, Sir Cliff! Sharp!


H-O-M-E HOME! The guy from the left is Richard O'Sullivan who played Dick Turpin!


NYHED !!!!!


...er der planlagt flg. koncerter..

ENGLAND: Nov/Dec. 2009

EUROPA: Forår 2010

ØSTEN: Vinter 2010


Cliff interview

Here's a very interesting interview/documentary about Cliff. I think the interviewer asks some very interesting questions - I got to see a whole new side of Cliff!

Cliff Richard RTÈ Documentary + interview 1

Cliff Richard RTÈ Documentary + Interview 10.08 -2

Cliff Richard RTÈ Documentary + Interview 3

Cliff Richard RTÈ Documentary + Interview 4


A slideshow for you

...We love SirCliffsooo much...

Some pics

Time for a little update

We have created a facebook group called Fans of Sir Cliff Richard. You're more than welcome to join! Just go to Facebook and search for us.

There aren't many Cliff news this day - Cliff is rehearsing for the tour that kicks off PRETTY SOON!
I'm kicking myself for not being able to go but I have fingers and legs crossed that he'll be kind enough to do a concert or two in Denmark next year. PLEASE, SIR CLIFF...PLEEEEAAAAAASE!

Yes, not too proud to beg.

It's raining outside here in my corner of Denmark..perfect weather for a Cliff song:

Cliff Richard & Helmut Lotti - Danny Boy (Live)


Cliff-artikler/Cliff articles

Så er der lidt forskelligt Cliff-nyt igen/some different Cliff articles around the web:

Først en lille artikel på gaydarnation.com, hvor der skrives lidt om Cliffs seksualitet - igen igen (gab)/a little article about Cliff's sexuality (yawn).

I Sunday Sun har Ian Robson skrevet lidt om Cliffs Alzheimer-appel på TV/about Cliff's tv appeal to help fight Alzheimers Disease.

BBC News skriver lidt om samme emne her/same subject here.

Cliff Des and Ronnie


Hvor er denne her video bare sød...

Er der nogen der ved hvad album den er fra.... ??? det kunne jeg rigtig godt tænke mig at vide..


Ja så tager vi lige en julesang.... man er jo i god tid....

Hvor er den god og sød...



Cliffs tv-appel om Alzheimers Disease

Her kan du se Cliffs tv-appel om Alzheimer's Disease/Watch Cliff's TV appeal about Alzheimer's Disease:

Flot lavet..og lad det heller ikke gå ubemærket hen, at manden ligner noget, Gud har sendt til kvinderne for at gøre livet MEGET lettere.

Så fik jeg lige Cliffs autograf

I nat har jeg været til koncert med Cliff i Esbjerg sognegård, hvor der var plads til omkring 50 mennesker. Vi stod allesammen i kø bagefter for at få en autograf, og da jeg kom helt frem, hev jeg et krøllet stykke papir frem og sagde "I'm sorry, this is all I have", men han var helt cool og skrev på den. Bagefter købte jeg nogle klistermærker af hans manager, som stod lige ved siden af - og så viste han mig ud i køkkenet, hvor han var så flink at lave forloren hare for mig. Så jeg sad alene i køkkenet i Esbjerg sognegård og spiste forloren hare, mens jeg kiggede på Cliffs autograf. Jeg vågnede ved, at en tjener kom ind og sagde "Du må altså ikke sidde herude og spise"..det var jo lissom ikke MIN fejl, når Cliffs manager havde vist mig derud, vel???


Cliff synger Pippi Langstrømpe

Sødt :-)  Eddie Skoller lærer Cliff at synge på svensk - Pippi Langstrømpe, selvfølgelig.

Cliff Richard on the Eddie Skoller Show - singing in Swedish

Cliff Richard at home

Cliff viser sin tennisbane, fortæller om spillet og spiller mod intervieweren:

Cliff Richard | At Home talking about tennis and playing against the interviewer

And a song - one of my absolutely favourites from Time, the musical:

Cliff Richard-Law Of The Universe



Welcome to any foreign speaking visitors who may have dropped by these past two days.  We always welcome new visitors - a friend of Cliff's is a friend of ours!

Today's song is "Money" - and YA BETTER GET UP FROM THE COUCH!!!!

What is Cliff up to?

1. We're absolutely nuts about Cliff Richard.

2. Cliff has been in Dublin rehearsing with dancers and has also been interviewed for an RTE Television programme. On October 19th Cliff will present a tv appeal on behalf of the Alzheimer's Research Trust. It'll be broadcast in the late afternoon on BBC1.

3. We're absolutely nuts about Cliff Richard.

Cliff Richard in Concert 1975 | 3 No Matter What - May I just say, cool glasses, Cliff. Nice choice ;-)

Besøg den danske Sir Cliff blog

Jeg har lavet et lille reklame-spot og uploadet det til Youtube - vi vil jo gerne ha' mange flere besøgende ;-)


Cliff samler penge ind til ALzheimer-forskning

Cliff hjælper med at samle penge ind til forskning i Alzheimers Disease vha. en fjernsyns-appel på BBC1 d. 19. oktober. Cliff mistede sin mor til sygdommen.

Læs mere her.


Her bliver Cliff 21 år... !

ja det er jo lige et par år siden..


Så bliver Cliff Richard 68 år idag.

Lad os håbe han får en dejlig dag.

Happy birthday!



Cliffs fødselsdag

Imorgen er det Cliffs fødselsdag, og jeg (Gitte) får lidt småtravlt, fordi jeg får sønnike på efterårsferie.

Derfor poster jeg dette idag:


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Live and Guaranteed

Det er een af de mest rørende sange, jeg har hørt Cliff synge. "All the time you need" er SÅ fantastisk smuk, at den altid bringer tårerne frem hos mig. Klippet er fra 1986.

CLIFF RICHARD - All The Time You Need (1988)

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Cliff & Dionne Warwick

Her synger Cliff duet med Dionne Warwick:

Hun har aldrig været mit store nummer, men det er en meget smuk Burt Bacharach-sang :-)


First English blog entry

For a while now I've been considering to start blogging in English in here sometimes. Sir Cliff has a huge fan base in Denmark and we are under the impression that people love to read about him but obviously the problem is that when we only blog in Danish, there is a limit to how many hits we get.

So from now on you are gonna find some entries in English here. We will, however, continue blogging in Danish as well for those readers who don't understand English. When my friend and I started this blog a while back, we were so excited to share our love and admiration for Cliff and we still are - it is always nice when you can share your love of music with somebody else but the idea of this blog is not only to have a place for admiring fans to celebrate Cliff's music - it is also a way to promote his music to new generations.

That's why today I want to write a small bio about Cliff and his music career. Obviously it would be too great a task to cover everything that Cliff has done during the last five decades but it will give visitors an idea what kind of person Cliff is and how he has been able to maintain a career within a business that is so difficult to survive in.

Cliff Richard wasn't born Cliff Richard. He was born in India on 14 October 1940 as Harry Rodger Webb. After the Indian independence in 1947 Cliff moved with his family to Britain. One of Cliff's big inspirations in the music world was Elvis Presley and that's when he decided he wanted to become a singer. With his backing group The Shadows he dominated the British music scene in the late 1950s and 1960s. Cliff was kind of Britain's answer to Elvis Presley - that is until he appeared on the Oh Boy show with Jack Good as the producer. Jack Good invented the Cliff Richard with the smoldering eyes and the hand on his shoulder.Cliff has always said that it was Jack Good who made Cliff Richard.

In the 1960s Cliff Richard converted to Christianity and his music softened. It could've been the end of Cliff's music career and for while he did contemplate leaving the music world and becoming perhaps the teacher. He did, however, find a way to maintain his career whilst being a Christian and he even starred in a Billy Graham movie called "Two a penny". Cliff's career has had its ups and downs but this year he celebrates his 50th anniversary and he has made UK singles charts during the past five decades, he has sold hundreds of millions, he produces his own wine and he has a hard-core fan base and a mansion in Barbados.

His new book "My life, my way" is a bestseller perhaps partly due to the fact that nobody really knows Cliff. He is an enigma and he kind of likes it that way. The British press has not been very kind to him especially during the past few years. Radio stations have banned his music and for years now the press has been speculating whether or not Cliff is gay.

This question has been returned to sender and Cliff has stopped answering. He seems to be just happy with the publicity it gets him. I think he's perfectly entitled to not answer - his private life stays his private life and at the end of the day he can look back on a 50 year career and go to bed saying "I am Cliff Richard and you are not".

Here on our blog we would like to congratulate Cliff on 50 years of magnificent music!

Vi elsker Cliff


Be real to me

Sangen "Be Real to me" fra filmen "Two a penny":


Oasis har hugget "Devil Woman"

Gruppen Oasis bliver beskyldt for at have stjålet melodien til "Devil Woman". Der er tale om nummeret "The Turning" - bedøm selv:

Oasis - The Turning Alt. Version #4- Dig Out Your Soul - 2008 Bonus Disc

Det kan jeg altså ikke umiddelbart høre. Hvad synes I ??





Lovers and friends

Cliff synger "Lovers and friends" i en australsk koncert i 1984. 

Cliff Richard 13 Lovers And Friends


Nyt design

Ja, så er bloggen blevet fornyet endnu en gang, og vi håber, I er glade for resultatet. Nogle nye features: I kan nu bogmærke hvert indlæg, hvis I finder noget, I vil dele på andre sider, fx Myspace eller Facebook. Og hvis I ender helt nede på siden og gerne vil til toppen, så kan I bare trykke på den lille "Top"-knap ved hvert indlæg - så fiser I lige op i toppen igen.

Vi håber, bloggen er blevet mere brugervenlig, og den bliver løbende opdateret - både indhold og design.

Knus, Helle og Gitte.





I anledning af Legos 30-års jubilæum har man bestemt at lave lego-stjerner - og det gælder selvfølgelig også Cliff. Desværre kan man ikke købe en Lego-Cliff, men jeg glæder mig til at se den alligevel.


Cilla Black er lun på Cliff - ligesom vi er

HALLO! Sådan skal det siges, Cilla Black. Da hun blir spurgt, hvorfor Cliff har holdt sig på toppen så mange år, svarer hun, at det er sex. Simpelthen fordi han er sexet. Og hun er egentlig ikke helt galt afmarcheret dér.

Cliff Richard celebrates 50 years


Cherie viser hvordan

"Sådan her Cliff". Cherie Blair viser Cliff, hvordan det lige er, man knapper en jakke *smiler*

SIr Cliff og Shadows: Et sidste farvel

Det forlyder, at Cliff og Shadows skal på en sidste verdensturné SAMMEN!!!! Jeg håber godt nok, det blir en realitet - det ville være dejligt at se dem sammen på scenen igen.

Mere her.

Turn me loose

Dejlige videoer :-)

Cliff Richard - Turn Me Loose

"OH BOY!" Show #38 - [3of3]



Billeder fra jubilæet

Her er nogle YUMMY-billeder fra Cliffs jubilæumsfrokost for nylig:

Cliff Richard-Thank You For A Lifetime Live performance

Er det bare mig, eller bliver den mand bare bedre og bedre og bedre og bedre??????!!!!!!


CLiff genforenet med sine skuespiller-venner

Så er der billeder

Lidt søde billeder til os allesammen:

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