
Giving up on ever seeing Cliff in his undies..

Hi everybody!

Time for some more Cliff Richard news from around the web.

This first piece of news is kind of weird I think. It's the first I have heard of it and part of me can't believe that it was true in the 1st place. Anyway, apparently Cliff had originally said yes to be on the show Celebrity Big Brother if they could promise him that he would have his own bathroom without cameras! And the producers promised set up a bathroom outside the house for him but when they found out this wasn't possible, Cliff declined to take part in the show. Which means that you and I will never get to see him in his underpants. Whether this is good news or bad, we shall never know! Why would he say yes to something like that in the first place? It is a truly awful show, I think.

If you want to read the article, follow this link.

The next article is a little bit about Cliff's thoughts about growing older and keeping fit . This article is here .

The next one is something about the subject I don't know if you heard about . For a while Cliff has been fighting with some other artists about the copyright law and the possibility of earning royalties until the end of their lifetimes . The government rejected this idea back in 2006 but it has now made somewhat of a U-turn so that artists can now earn royalties for 95 years! This is a big victory for Cliff who would otherwise lose earnings from the songs he made in the 50s. You can read the article here.

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